Hi, I'm Leah!
I love bringing a philosophical lens to modern technology problems
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the University of Minnesota where I am advised by Stevie Chancellor and a member of the GroupLens research lab. My PhD research agenda is focused on understanding how taking a philosophical stance—marrying theory building with empirical substantiation—can rigorously inform more ethical data decisions. I mainly explore this in online communities and predictive systems. Inspired by my work as a yoga teacher, my guiding philosophy is to care for the communities whose data makes our research and technologies possible. CV Below:
Twitter | LinkedIn | Google Scholar | ajman004[at]umn[dot]edu
Life Happenings!
Moving Towards Epistemic Autonomy: A Paradigm Shift for Centering Participant Knowledge [preprint]
Leah Ajmani, Talia Bhatt, Michael Ann Devito
Forthcoming at CHI 2025
Whose Knowledge is Valued? Epistemic Injustice in CSCW Applications
Leah Ajmani, Jasmine C Foriest, Jordan Taylor, Kyle Pittman, Sarah Gilbert, Michael Ann Devito
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - CSCW (2024)
Data Agency Theory: A Precise Theory of Justice for AI Applications
Leah Ajmani, Logan Stapleton, Mo Houtti, Stevie Chancellor
ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency - FAccT (2024)
Peer-Produced Friction: How Page Protection on Wikipedia Affects Editor Engagement and Concentration
Leah Ajmani, Nick Vincent, Stevie Chancellor
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - CSCW (2023)
Epistemic Injustice in Online Communities: Unpacking the Values of Knowledge Creation and Curation within CSCW Applications [Workshop Proposal]
Leah Ajmani, Mo Houtti, Jasmine Foriest, Nick Vincent, Michael Ann Devito, Isaac Johnson
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - CSCW (2023)
A Systematic Review of Ethics Disclosures in Predictive Mental Health Research
Leah Ajmani*, Stevie Chancellor*, Bijal Mehta, Casey Fiesler, Michael Zimmer, Munmun De Choudhury
*Both authors contributed equally to the paper
ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency - FAccT (2023)
“I See Me Here”: Mental Health Content, Community, and Algorithmic Curation on TikTok
Ashlee Milton, Leah Ajmani, Michael Ann Devito, Stevie Chancellor
Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI (2023)
Ethical Tensions, Norms, and Directions in the Extraction of Online Volunteer Work [Workshop Proposal]
Hanlin Li, Leah Ajmani, Moyan Zhou, Nicholas Vincent, Sohyeon Hwang, Tiziano Piccardi, Sneha Narayan, Sherae Daniel, and Veniamin Veselovsky
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - CSCW (2022)
Engagement or Knowledge Retention: Exploring Trade-offs in Promoting Discussion at News Websites
Brian McInnis, Leah Ajmani, Steven Dow
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - CSCW (2022)
Reporting the Community Beat: Practices for Moderating Online Discussion at a News Website
🏆 Impact Recognition
Brian McInnis, Leah Ajmani, Lu Sun, Yiwen Hou, Ziwen Zeng, and Steven P. Dow.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - CSCW (2021)